Who Rules Your Life?

What does your life revolve around? Who or what rules your life? What is most important to you?

These are questions we have discussed in our small group this week. The bible says that Christ is supposed to be our lord and ruler if we are following him. The concept of a lord is somewhat lost on us in our land of democracy and personal independence, so we have to think a little bit harder about how to determine if we are letting Jesus rule in our lives.

I would ask it this way. If you had to go to court to prove you were a Christian, would there be enough evidence for you to be convicted? Would you be able to show your finances and prove that you give to the church and others? Would you be able to show your schedule and the way you spend your time to prove that you spend time obeying God and helping others? Would they be able to quote your speech and show video footage of your actions? Would there be any witnesses to stand testify for you?

Our relationship with Jesus shouldn’t just be a single part of our lives, it should be the central part. Everything we say and do should flow from him and through the filter of his word.

Jesus is the head of the church. Colossians 1:18 “And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.”  Is Jesus the head of your life?