Blessed Through the Trial

The Unseen Battle

On Sunday, Pastor Nate gave us a look at the birth of Jesus from the perspective of the biblical timeline and reminded us that it was just one step in the cosmic battle that has been raging for all time.

The enemy of your soul hates you and wants to destroy you. Not because you are anything special but because you belong to God. The devil knows the end of the story, he has read the book (the bible), and he wants to take down as many of us as possible when he loses. Sounds depressing right?

Here is the good news.

– Satan tried to kill Adam and Eve (Gen 3) and while there were consequences, they didn’t die right away and God set his plan of redemption in motion.

– Satan tried to kill the Israelite children in the time of Moses but in the end they came out of Egypt with gold and provisions for their journey (Exo 1).

– He tried to take out the Jews in Babylon (Esther 3) but in the end they were able to defend themselves against their enemies and take the plunder

– He used Herod to try to kill the ‘baby king’ (Matt 2) but God miraculously saved Jesus and his family

– The devil thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross (Matt 27) but while he was throwing a vicotry party Jesus was saving people from hell

– and so many other accounts

The devil might be trying to attack you and take you out, but if you follow God’s plan for your life, you will not only be saved from the trial, you will be blessed abundantly from going through it.

Pastor Nate asks us to consider these questions:

Satan prowls, are you on guard?

God has a plan, do you trust him?

Jesus is the way, are you sure of your salvation?
