The Armory

1 John 3:1a See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!

Read our post about the Get It portion of our ministry to see why we think focusing on how God loves us is important.

Soldiers are not always in a battle. The battle is a small part of the whole operation. Soldiers need time to recover from previous battles, rest and heal, debrief, then learn about upcoming activities, train, suit up, and rearm. Just as soldiers need recovery and preparation time, we do too in our spiritual lives. This is why we have named this time “The Armory”. We need to let go of things that happened previously, anything that is holding us back. Heal from past hurts and mistakes. Offer and receive forgiveness. Then spend time learning more about our goals and getting to know God and his love for us. After we know where we are headed, we need to prepare for our upcoming week and the people and opportunities we will encounter as we go about our business.

This is what we advertise in our informational handout:
“Our primary dedicated time to actively work on our relationship with God is our mid-week teaching, prayer, and praise time. This is our focused “Get It” activity. We gather with the Active Love family, heal and recover from our previous week, have a teaching time, share testimonies and prayers, and prepare for the week ahead.”

What a time to look forward to and spend with our spiritual family!

The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him.

 Psalm 28:7