Is there anyone out there who has never needed a little bit of encouragement? From the time we are babies learning how to walk all the way to adults starting a new business, we do better at things when we have support and love of those who have gone before. It seems to give us that little bit of extra to know that others have succeeded at the thing we are trying to accomplish or that someone is there to catch us if we fall. Even when we have failed at something multiple times, a little bit of encouragement is all we need to try that one more time that we need to get it right.
Encouragement is sprinkled throughout the scriptures. There were over 50 matches just to “encourage” and not any other version of the word. God encourages his people, his prophets, his warriors. The prophets encourage the people. Jesus encourages the disciples. The disciples encourage the early church as they go through trials and we are commanded to encourage each other.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Encouragement is so powerful! It buffers us, it buoys us, it brings up our spirits. We are not promised that life will always be easy, but we are promised that Jesus will always be with us. Being encouraging doesn’t cost us anything. Just a little bit of caring and empathy, or a few minutes to share a testimony can make a huge difference to someone who is down.
Show love to others today. Love encourages!