Active Love

At Active Love, we believe love is a person – God. We also believe love is an action verb. True love cannot be passive. We must choose to love the way God loves and that is why our theme verse is 1 John 3:18 “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

It is not merely enough to tell the world that God loves them. It is not merely enough to tell my neighbor that I love them and want the best for them. We MUST show it. Love cannot sit still! Our actions will prove over time that we are not just talk and empty air. We will prove that love has come to town and love wants to be a part of their lives.

We have a heart for the McGregor, Texas area and we are looking for ways to love the people of this town and surrounding area. We will be exploring the idea of love as a verb in our daily posts this week.

We pray blessings on you as you consider how to love with your actions!