Is God Waiting on You?

For for our thought to ponder this week we want you to consider: What is God waiting on you for?

If you haven’t accepted Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, then the verses we have been discussing this week are for you. God’s patience is salvation!

But for those of us who have been walking with Christ for a while, this question might stir other thoughts. God created each of us for at least one purpose, he gave us the gifts and talents in order to fulfill that purpose well, and he gives us the vision to do it correctly. Sometimes, we have to get prepared first. Sometimes, we let fear keep us from obeying. And sometimes, we get caught up in life’s concerns and the things we want to do and we don’t make it a priority. So, what has God called you to that you haven’t done yet? Obey and take the first step toward that vision today. God isn’t mad at you, but we do have work to do.

Psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.