Who Are You Following?

To become a disciple to a rabbi you had to ask him where he sleeps. In essence, you were making a decision to follow him wherever he goes, listen to whatever he says, eat what he eats, sleep where he sleeps, and learn everything you can from him. You couldn’t be a disciple and still go home every night, you couldn’t be a disciple and still have a side gig. You had to be all in.

Discipleship hasn’t changed since Jesus came. He didn’t change the plan. He still expects everything from us and warns us to count the cost before we follow him. It takes time and commitment. A Jewish blessing goes like this – “May you follow your Rabbi, drink in His words, and be covered in his dust.” You can’t get the dust off Jesus’ feet on you if you aren’t walking close to him. Paul puts it this way in Romans 13, clothe yourselves with Christ. Put Jesus on like a letter jacket proclaiming who you belong to.

Everyone should know who your Rabbi is.