What Do You Do With Your Time?

Pastor Nate mentioned in his message that we all have the same amount of time in a week. We have to be good stewards of not just our treasures and talents, but also with our time. The pointed question he asked was “Is there enough evidence in your schedule to convict you of being a Christian?” Ouch. Does the way you spend your time point others to Jesus?

Here is the main bible verse to consider as you meditate on this week’s message: Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me.” Does the way you spend your time ‘prove’ that God is first in your life? Do you have an inbalance in the amount of time you spend working or having screen time or spending time with your family or eating? Do you give him a sabbath? Take TIME to honestly evaluate your schedule this week. If you find an inbalance, don’t stress out. But make a plan to add little changes to get your schedule back in balance. This is the first commandment, the first thing God told Moses to share with the Israelites. It should be important to us!