A Revolving Door

I have an idea for a Vision 2020 series of posts but I haven’t quite got my head wrapped around exactly how I want to present them yet. So today, I’m going to share a vision I had a couple months ago which I think is appropriate for a vision theme.

A Revolving Door: I had been praying and asking about what we (Christians) should be doing during this time of lockdowns and changes. I looked and saw a revolving door. That’s it. That was the vision.

I felt at the time that it was a warning. That if we were not careful, we would just get stuck in the door. Trying to keep our ministries and churches alive and running “the same” even though the world wasn’t the same. That we would just be going around in circles never getting anywhere.

Now, I still agree with the warning, but I also feel like it has broader applications. It is a forthtelling, calling something forth, for our churches and for us as individuals. What is the purpose of a door? It is to go somewhere, either to leave or to enter. What is the purpose of a revolving door? To aid with allowing more traffic and to keep more of the air conditioning inside the building.

We are looking at an opportunity. God is giving us a door. He is telling us that some things may need to exit the building. He is telling us that some things need to stay in and be protected. He is telling us that we are about to have increased visitors and people looking for the hope we claim to have. It is already happening in other countries. I have heard stories of churches being packed even during the peak of COVID cases because of the new believers wanting to hear more about Jesus and not being afraid. It can happen here! Will we walk around in circles? Or will we use the door God is giving us?

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.

John 10:9