

Thank you to everyone who helped us light the advent candles and share the readings. Christ has come. Hallelujah! Isaiah...

Movie Extras

This is happening this Saturday at 2pm. If you have ever wanted to be in a movie, here is your...

Operation Arctic

Operation Arctic is finished! We had a great time over the semester filling in on days that school was out...

Weekly 12/21/23

Reminder: No Sunday School or Bible Study in December! This week at LAMP Ministries:Thurs- 7:30am – Day Camp Thurs at...

Christmas Carols


We jingled and mingled at the CHRISTmas party on Sunday. White elephant, hot chocolate, and hay ride caroling. We were...

1 Corinthians 14:3

We heard from Rebecca on the gift of prophecy and being prophetic yesterday. If you missed it, you can listen...

Day Camp

School gets out for Christmas break next week. LAMP Ministries will run a day camp on Thursday the 21st to...

Weekly 12/14/23

Reminder: No Sunday School or Bible Study in December! This week at LAMP Ministries:Thurs at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFri...


Last Friday, our youth and some friends solved the mystery of the missing teddy bear. We are pretty impressed with...

Galatians 6:10

Thank you Vickie for the good word yesterday! This week, let’s remember that evangelism is just sharing the good news...


Vickie and Kyle teach this morning on Christ’s gift of evangelism to the church.


We have our last ladies’ gathering of the year coming up on Monday. We are here to build each other...

Weekly 12/7/23

Reminder: No Sunday School or Bible Study in December! This week at LAMP Ministries:Thurs at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFri...

New Sign

Have you seen our new sign? We are so thankful for the help from Eagle Eye Signs and Graphics Central...

Peru Mission

Tonight at 6:30pm is our Peru Mission Trip information session. We will hopefully answer all the questions and make a...

The Purpose of our Gifts

We are exploring the five fold ministry in December – Christ’s Gifts To You. Ephesians 4:11 “So Christ himself gave...

December Series

We have a five part sermon series in December on “Christ’s Gifts To You”. We will be hearing from five...

December Plans

Woohoo! Here are our big events for December. We are very excited about the sermon series “Christ’s Gifts To You”...

Weekly 11/30/23

Reminder: No Sunday School or Bible Study in December! This week at LAMP Ministries:Thurs at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFri...

Day Camp Day 4

We had a great time at day camp last Monday. We learned that the bible is a love letter from...

Last Dinner

Tonight is our last community dinner for the year (we are taking December off). We have spaghetti for the meal...