
Day Camp

We are running a carnival since the kids are out of school on Monday. It will help us to get...


We are having pizza tonight for our free community dinner at 6:15. See you there and Happy Valentine’s Day! May...

Acts 2

Pastor Nate’s message on Acts 2 is here.


Pastor Nate preached from Acts 1 on Sunday. Living the Christian life with the Holy Spirit’s help it is like...

Diaper Drive

We heard from CareNet that they have an immediate need for newborn diapers and are also low on 4, 5,...

Taco Tuesday

Free dinner at 6:15. All ages classes at 7. #freefood#biblestudy#mcgregortx#activelovechurch

Acts 1

Pastor Nate kicked off his study of Acts today.

February Menu

Here is our planned menu for February community dinners. Hope to see you there! #freefood#activeloveyourcity#activelovechurch

Announcements 2/3/23

This week at VC+ALC:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and Praise ServiceSunday at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday at 10:30am – WorshipTuesday...

Hello February

Hopefully we are done with Texas winter after today. Here are our plans for the month. Would love to see...


How do you answer David’s question? What will your epitaph say? Things to ponder this week. #activeloveyourworld#activelovedeeper

Finance Class

Learn the basics of finances or ask your tough questions to a local financial expert. Share with friends! More details:...


Tonight’s dinner at 6:15pm is hamburgers and hotdogs. Woohoo! At 7: the adults are studying Jabez, youth continuing with Screwtape...


We apologize for the sound level on our live stream yesterday. We’re trying to figure it out. Please pray for...


Our dinner tonight at 6:15 is spaghetti. At 7pm, adults are studying healing, and children are having a bible lesson,...


Have a blessed Monday! Spend time with your father this week. #activeloveverse#activelovechurch


Pastor Curtis continued his series on unity this morning.

Announcements 1/12/23

This week at VC+ALC:Thursday at 7pm – Worship and Praise ServiceSunday at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday at 10:30am – WorshipTuesday...

Kingdom Math

Ok, math people. We all know that 1+1 equals 2 right? Math doesn’t work that way in the kingdom of...

Tuesday Events

We love Tuesdays! Tonight we have Tatertot Casserole for our Free Community Dinner at 6:15. Following at 7, we are...


Pastor Curtis teaches on unity this morning.

January Menu

Our January menu has arrived. Please share with those in the community who would like to come. And let us...