Announcements 11/17/22
This week at VC+ALC:Tonight at 7pm – Praise and PrayerFriday- 6pm – Parents’ Night Out at ConnectionsSaturday at 1:30pm Trauma...
Gimel Sermon
We had a hard time going live on Sunday so here is the recording of the sermon. Gimel – benefit...
Gimel – Benefits
On Sunday, we continued our study of the Hebrew letter gimel or number 3. We focused on the meanings of...
Hey everyone, We had a couple parents ask for help during Thanksgiving break so even though Connections is closed next...
Announcements 11/10/22
This week at VC+ALC:Tonight at 7pm – Praise and PrayerSaturday at 8am to 1pm – Rummage Sale at ConnectionsSunday at...
Rummage Sale
Come see us on Saturday from 8am-1pm. We have a lot of goodies that we need to move out so...
Community Dinner
We are trying something new on Tuesdays! Come for a free dinner at 6:15pm followed by adult, youth, and children’s...
Hebrew Number 3
In the “Should Christians Observe Jewish Holidays” series, Pastor Curtis discusses the meaning of ‘gimel’ or 3 in Hebrew.
We had a wonderful baptism service on Sunday. Congratulations Gage! We are excited to walk in new life with you....
Announcements 11/3/22
This week at ALC+VC:Tonight at 7pm – Praise and PrayerSunday at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday at 10:30am – First blended...
November Events
Hello November! Here’s the bird’s eye view of our month. Check out our latest newsletter if you want more details:...
Training Grounds
We are kicking off some new programming tonight. 6:15pm – Free community dinner7:00pm – Adult, Youth, and Children’s classes All...
Chapter 31 Sermon
The final chapter of The Story brought to us by Pastor Nate Moehring.
Chapter 31 Question
This is a good question. Last one for The Story! #activelovethestory#activelovedeeper
Baptism Service
Our last Sunday at The Hub (415 N Main) is this week and we are having a baptism service. Join...
Chapter 31 Verse
Our last memory verse for The Story. Revelation 22:6. #activelovethestory#activeloveverse
Chapter 31 Audio
Here are the audio files for Chapter 31. Happy listening! Part 1: 2: #activelovethestory#activelovechurch
Chapter 31 Reading
Can you believe we are on our last week? Wow! We will have hit all of the major topics of...
Chapter 30 Sermon
Pastor Nate discusses Paul’s final days and how Christians should view tough times.
Pancakes At The Park
Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Oh my! We are hosting a free pancake breakfast at Amsler Park pavilion tomorrow (Sunday 10/23)...
Chapter 30 Question
Here’s the thought to ponder for this week? Why would anyone be willing to face persecution and death for anything...
Announcements 10/20/22
We have had some really beautiful ministry times these last couple of weeks at Armory. Would love to see you...
Chapter 30 Verse
What a great verse! Do you have this one memorized? It is good for those hard days. #activeloveverse#activelovethestory#activelovechurch
Chapter 30 Audio
Audio links for this week below: Part 1: 2: 3: Happy listening! #activelovethestory#activelovechurch