January Update
Can you believe it is the last day of January already? If you are interested, you can read our January...
Can you believe it is the last day of January already? If you are interested, you can read our January...
Tomorrow (Sunday the 31st), we will be helping with the food distribution at the McGregor Food Pantry from 2-4pm. If...
This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFriday at 4pm – Candle craft at ConnectionsSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday...
This week we are discussing New Life – Salvation. Pastor Nate shares a very simple explanation of why people need...
The new birth process exchanges the old life of sin for the new life of God through a transforming relationship...
Here is a quick intro to our third topic in our Faith Foundations class – Salvation. We will discuss in...
This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseSaturday – 6:30pm – Bunco Night!Sunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolTuesday at 7pm...
How do you identify yourself? Most of us would give our name or a nickname. But is that your identity?...
Meditate on this promise this week! Here is a YouTube music version from JumpStart 3 to help you memorize it....
A new identity in Christ occurs through the work of justification, a legal act on God’s part, whereby the believer...
Here is the preview of our second lesson in our Faith Foundations series. Our main question is: Are you living...
Hannah played Jesus At The Center of It All last night which is a good song. But when we knew...
This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFriday at 6pm – Parents’ Night OutSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolTuesday at...
What does your life revolve around? Who or what rules your life? What is most important to you? These are...
Christ is the center of life, the universe, and all activities of the church. Central Truth: Christ is in charge...
Here is the preview of our first lesson in our Faith Foundations series. Our main question is: Is Christ the...
We made a short little video to use as a way to introduce us and our vision to new visitors....
Our next park event is tomorrow at 12:30pm at Amsler Park! We believe prayer is the foundation. We’ll meet up...
This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseSaturday at 12:30pm – Park Outreach at AmslerSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolTuesday...
We rounded out 2020 by finishing up our review of the fundamental truths of Assemblies of God doctrine. It worked...
We are kicking off our first class of the semester – Faith Foundations. This class is only six weeks long...
We wrapped up our series on the fundamentals last Thursday. If you missed any, you can find the whole series...
Happy New Year from Active Love Church! If you are interested, you can read our 2020 Year in Review letter...