Be A Barnabas

Barnabas in the bible means “Son of Encouragement”. Do you have a Barnabas in your life? Someone who always cheers you on, who supports you and wants the best for you? So many people think that once you become a Christian that you won’t have any more issues for the rest of your life. Well, the bible mentions over and over that we need to be encouraged and that we should encourage each other. Why would we need to be encouraged if we didn’t have any issues to deal with? The truth is, life still happens. We still have an enemy who wants to take us out. We may have peace and joy despite our circumstances, but we still find ourselves in need of encouragement on this side of heaven.

Here’s the challenge. Be an Barnabas for someone else today! Give a voice of support to someone who just needs a little bit of hope. Share a hug, a testimony, or some material goods if necessary. Love through encouragement. Because Love Encourages!