Announcements and Sermon Links


Need fireworks? We’ve got ’em. Don’t wait until the last minute when you can get them early and get the...


If you were planning to come for a visit, this Sunday would be the day because after service we are...


Meatballs and noodles. Yay! Dinner is served at 6:15 and classes for all ages follow at 7pm.

Jesus Stands

Jesus rises from his place of honor in the midst of Stephen’s suffering. He cares about Stephen and he cares...

Blind Dates

We handed out 9 dates in a bag last month and these were the brave souls who sent back photos....

Memory Verses

Our kid’s class is rocking their memory verses! Ms Cecelia challenged them to memorize a whole section of Psalm 95...

Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie on the bar tonight. Woohoo! Free – 6:15pm at 605 N 3rd Street #activelovechurch#freefood

Acts 6:3

The early church ran across the need for more volunteers pretty quickly as they grew. So they called a meeting,...

Acts 6

Pastor Nate continues his study of Acts with chapter 6 verses 1-8.

Bring It!

The youth (and the youth leaders) had a great time at our Bring It! challenge last week. This is our...

Acts 5

Pastor Nate finishes up Acts 5 in today’s sermon.

June Plans

Here are the plans for our Tuesday dinners this month. Let us know if you want to come help cook...


Can you believe it is June already? Wow, we have had some amazing events in 2023 and we are looking...

Bring It

We hope all the area churches have heard about our youth challenge night. (Details: We can’t wait to get...


The kids’ number one pick for any meal is pizza. Every time. We try not to put it on the...

Memorial Day

We pray that everyone has a nice Memorial Day. Please take a moment to remember those who gave the untimate...

Tuesday Fun

Y’all, we have some great teachers that keep these kids and youth moving while learning about God. They are always...

Date In A Bag

Hey McGregor! We are experimenting with a “date in a bag” experience. On Friday starting at 6pm we will have...


Burgers on the menu tonight. Yay! 6:15pm – don’t miss out. #freefood#mcgregortx#activelovechurch