Glory to Glory
From faith to faith (Romans 1:17), strength to strength (Psa 84:7), and glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18)! Check out...
From faith to faith (Romans 1:17), strength to strength (Psa 84:7), and glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18)! Check out...
Thank you McGregor and especially TFNB. We made over $500 for camp. Very close to our goal!
This week at VC+ALC:Tonight at 6pm – Build Blessing BagsTonight at 7pm – Armory Prayer and PraiseSaturday at 9am to...
If you missed Pastor Curtis’ message on Sunday, check it out on our YouTube channel. Keep meditating on the anointing...
Help our youth get to camp! They are going to be working hard this week getting goodies ready to sell...
To all the moms, grandmas, and spiritual mothers out there – we thank you and bless you! #activelovechurch
This week at VC+ALC:Tonight at 7pm – Armory Prayer and PraiseFriday at 7pm – Adult Game Night!Sunday at 9:30am –...
Our youth and children’s classes both recently did foot washings (on separate occasions). We are so thankful for our leaders...
What’s for dinner tonight? Chicken Fettuccini! 6:15 – 6:45 #activelovechurch#freefood#mcgregortx
What a sweet time we had yesterday with the Holy Spirit ministering to our members. James 5:13-15 #activeloveverse#prayer#activelovechurch
We had a sweet time of prayer today and between that, worship, and communion we didn’t have a message. Catch...
Woohoo! We are only one month away from our free youth challenge night. Please help us get the word out...
This week at VC+ALC:Tonight at 7pm – National Day of Prayer at Legacy Park – No ArmorySunday at 9:30am –...
Tomorrow is National Day of Prayer. We will be joining other McGregor area churches for a prayer and worship service...
Look out May, here we come. This is an overview of the month but please keep following for changes and...
We enjoyed hosting Marci and hearing of her heart for Estonia. Here is the message she shared and the challenge...
Here is a short preview of the information Missionary Marci will be sharing on Sunday about Estonia. We hope to...
Don’t forget Pancakes at the Park on Sunday at 9:30am at Bewley! This week at VC+ALC:Tonight – 7pm Praise and...
Pancakes at the Park – April 30 at 9:30am Bewley Park, bring a friend Worship by Jerry Sanchez at 10:30...
Grilled cheese, gooey goodness! It’s what is for dinner tonight. But if that isn’t your thing, we’ll have a fruit...
Pastor Nate discussed giving with a right attitude yesterday. Deuteronomy 28 is one of the blessings vs curses chapters he...
We had a beautiful morning, a yummy lunch, and an awesome afternoon considering butterflies at our women’s retreat. Thank you...