Announcements and Sermon Links
Jesus words pertaining to fasting in Matthew 6. Meditate on these before your small group discussion this week. #activeloveverse
July Plans
July is almost here. Check out our plans for the month!Weekly: Mon through Thur – 3-7pm – Game On! at...
Matthew 9:14-15
Here is another passage about fasting. We will study this on Sunday. #activeloveverse
Esther 4:16
Our topic this week is fasting. Here is our first verse.Esther 4:16 – Esther calls for a fast. #activeloveverse
Numbers 20:8
One last verse to get us ready for “Speaking Forth God’s Word” on Sunday with Clint. #activeloveverse
Cookout on Sunday!
Free cook out at the Hub (415 N Main) on Sunday at 12:30pm. Hot dogs and hamburgers provided by the...
Ezekiel 37:14
Here is the next verse Clint would like us to meditate on this week. #activeloveverse
The Kingdoms’ Fall
Here is the sermon from Sunday for The Story Chapter 17 – The Kingdoms’ Fall #activelovesermon #activelovethestory
Ezekiel 37:4-5
We are on break this week from The Story. Here is a verse to think about in preparation for “Speaking...
Chapter 17 Question
Unfortunately, so much of the prophetic books are still relatable today. Does your heart ache for the nations – for...
Free cook out at the Hub (415 N Main) on June 26th at 12:30pm. Hot dogs and hamburgers provided by...
Chapter 17 Memory
Even though the book is a lament, there are still great nuggets of truth and promise for us. Let God’s...
Chapter 17 Audio
And the audio links to Chapter 17 for our listeners! Part 1: 2: 3: #activelovethestory#activelovechurch
Chapter 17 Reading
Reading for this week:1) Either The Story Chapter 17or2 Kings 21; 23-25; 2 Chronicles 33; 36; Jeremiah 1-2; 4-5; 13;...
Chapter 16 Sermon
Today we discuss The Story Chapter 16. It covers primarily Hezekiah and Isaiah. So much good stuff in there.
Chapter 16 Question
Here is our thought to ponder. Yes, you may comment on it, we’d love to hear your ponderings if you...
Don’t Miss It
If you need . . .Peace. Support. A Shoulder to Cry On. Love. Acceptance. Prayer. Worship.Fill in the blank. Come...
Ordination For Pastor Nate
Last night Pastor Nate was ordained into the Assemblies of God. He wore his confirmation ring from 1992 and the...
Chapter 16 Verse
Here is another great promise from God. We can always come to him with our needs. #activeloveverse#activelovethestory
Chapter 16 Audio
For all you listeners out there, chapter 16 audio links: Part 1: Part 2: #activelovechurch#activelovethestory
Chapter 16 Reading
Here is your assignment for Chapter 16. 1) Either read The Story Chapter 1orRead 2 Kings 17-19; Isaiah 3; 6;...
Chapter 15 Question
Turns out that the prophets were people just like us. They had doubts and fears. What can we learn from...
Announcements 6/2/22
Welcome to June! Here are our main events for the month. Don’t miss any, check our events tab and RSVP....
Chapter 15 Verse
Here is our memory verse for the week. Hide it in your heart! #activeloveverse #activelovethestory