Chapter 11 Sermon
Chapter 11 of The Story covers David’s rise to king. #activelovethestory #activelovesermon
Chapter 11 of The Story covers David’s rise to king. #activelovethestory #activelovesermon
Happy baptism day to these beautiful children of God! #activelovechurch
Here is our thought for the week. Would love to hear your ideas. #activelovethestory#activelovedeeper
Note: We will not have a service tonight due to illness. See you next week. This week:Saturday – 1pm –...
This is a great verse to remember. God is the one who will judge us and he looks at our...
Here are the links to the audio version of the Chapter 11 reading assignment this week.Part 1: 2:
We are back at The Story for the next five weeks. This week we have chapter 11 – From Shepherd...
Luke 24:5 “… the men said to them, “Why are you seeking the living One among the dead? 6 He...
We did this one live at The Hub, sorry we are just now posting it for our viewers (backdated)
On Friday of Holy Week we pause to consider the darkest day in history – the day Jesus died. John...
We will be celebrating Easter this Sunday at the Hub (415 N Main) at 10:30 am. All are welcome! We...
On Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week, Jesus predicts his death and betrayal (John chapter 12 and 13). #activeloveverse
We are still on break from The Story. We are focusing on Holy Week and are excited for our Easter...
Today we celebrate Jesus being welcomed into Jerusalem as the king of peace (riding a donkey) parade style. Happy Palm...
This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseApril 8 – 6pm – Parents’ Night Out at Connections ( at 10:30...
Pastor Nate’s message on Sunday is titled: Don’t Wait For The RocksJoin us at 10:30am. #activeloveverse
We are on break this week and next for Holy Week activities! Take this time to draw close to God...
Chapter 10 of The Story covers Samuel and King Saul. #activelovethestory
This week:Sunday at 10:30 – The Story Chapter 10Tuesday at 7pm – The Story Chapter 10Thursday at 7pm – Prayer...
We might all need to do a little reflecting on the question of the week this week. Can we learn...
This week’s memory verse should give you great comfort. God is in control and he will guard you when you...
Here are the links to the audio version of Chapter 10. Happy listening.Part 1: 2: 3: #activelovethestory
We are working through Chapter 10 and learning about Samuel this week. Next up we’ll have a break for Holy...