Announcements and Sermon Links

Park Meet Up

We are gathering at Launch Pad Park (behind the Primary School) tomorrow at noon for fun and fellowship followed by...

Gifts of the Spirit

We had an issue with our recording last week on the gifts of the spirit so we will eventually try...

Spread Kindness

We have decided that we are going to adopt the local senior care facility – Westview Manor – for Thanksgiving....

The Sin Offering

Leviticus 4 describes the sin offerings and each section ends with this statement – “and it shall be forgiven him”....

Love Forgives

Since we started writing Active Love devotions, we’ve reviewed a great list of things that love does. Love waits, listens,...

Lead Me

Here’s a great song to consider how we are leading others.

Biblical Leader

So far, we’ve reviewed how God led the people of the bible times, how Jesus still leads us today, and...

Share Love

YouVersion bible app challenged us to share love today so we are passing that challenge on to you. John 13:34...

I Will Follow

Here’s a song about following Jesus – I Will Follow by Chris Tomlin

Follow Me

“Come follow me”. That’s all he said. Three little words that changed the course of 12 lives and through them,...

Love on McGregor

We will be helping out in the distribution line at the McGregor food pantry tomorrow from 2-3pm. Interested? Come join...

Busy Week

We had a great time at CMN Launch this week. God help us debrief and unpack. #activeloveupdate #cmnnetwork


We are on ‘vacation’ for the rest of the week. Pastor Nate and Rebecca are attending CMN Launch Training in...

The Bridge

Pastor Nate taught The Bridge Illustration last week.

Psalm 5:8

Psalm 5: 8 Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness    because of my enemies—    make your way straight before me.

Love Leads

In general people throughout time have struggled with the questions “What is my purpose?” “Why am I here?” “What is...

Deity of Jesus

Last week Pastor Nate shared with us about the Deity of Jesus, you can watch the video below. Tonight at...


Here’s a song to go with our theme for this week and last week. Words can tear you down, words...