Announcements and Sermon Links

Weekly 7/18/24

This week at LAMP Ministries:Thur at 7pm – Armory Prayer and PraiseSun at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSun at 10:30am –...

Thank You

Thank you for sending the youth to camp. They had a blast! They were a little worn out yesterday when...


Menu change alert! We have a special treat tonight. One of our ladies wanted to cook for us so we...


We heard a great message yesterday from Ms Vickie about the miracle altar. She encouraged us all to make sure...

Miracle Altar

We had internet connection issues this morning with our live stream, but we were able to record so the sermon...


Armory is back. We take time to release things we are carrying that are weighing us down and then get...

Blessing Boxes

We pick up food boxes for 25 families in McGregor. This month we will be distributing them on Friday at...


Tonight we are back to our regular community dinner at 6pm. We have hot dogs and chili. Yum!

The Community Altar

Pastor Nate continues his sermon series on the 5 altars of prayer with the community altar.

Weekly 7/5/24

Back to regular schedule! This week at LAMP Ministries:Sun at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSun at 10:30am – Worship Mon at...

July Plans

Here is our bird’s eye view of the month. Everything getting back on track this Sunday. Don’t miss out!


Happy July and we pray everyone has a safe 4th of July celebration this week. In June we had a...

1 Cor 11:1

We had a beautiful morning yesterday with the Kinnons. They shared their heart for the college student and gave us...

Chi Alpha

We heard from Samuel and Natalie Kinnon about their heart for the college students at Angelo State University.

Not My Arms

We had three kiddos move up from our children’s class into our youth classs so we had a little special...

from the pastor

Weekly 6/27/24

Just like the summer, LAMP Ministries is heating up! Mid-week OpportunitiesWe’ll be restarting our Tuesday night Training Grounds (dinner and...

Missions Sunday

We are excited to host the Kinnons on Sunday for our missions emphasis. They will be working with Chi Alpha...

Each Others

We weren’t meant to do this life alone. God is continually in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and Jesus and...

Core Altar

Pastor Nate continues his series “The 5 Altars of Prayer” with the Core Altar.

Weekly 6/20/24

No mid-week classes or Sunday School until July 7th! This week at LAMP Ministries:Thur 8am-3pm – Summer Fun Day! Sat...


Our youth need to raise the rest of their funds for summer camp. We are sending 9 youth and one...

Summer Days!

Summer days are so much fun! Math, reading, writing, PE, bouncy, games, projects, oh my.