Can I Get A Witness?

I love science. I like to know how things work, I like to ask questions, I have an engineering degree. I LOVE that the world is knowable, predictable, and that we can depend on it to do things the same way over and over. For that reason alone, I believe there had to have been an intelligent creator. But there are so many other things in science that point to a creator. The number of finely tuned constants in the universe that add up to a perfect place for us to live, the fact that we have NEVER seen proof of something coming from nothing, the fact that we have NO way to see in genetics how ‘new’ information could be added to genes to create a different creature. Did you know that each cell in a single celled organism contains more information than a set of encyclopedias? Information, especially organized information that contains instructions, HAS to come from an intelligent source.

But science can’t answer every question. It is silent on morals and humanities and politics. It can’t tell you what I ate for dinner last week or who was alive in the year 632. Science is great, but it isn’t the answer to everything. For some things, we need testimony. This is why we are always looking for witnesses for court cases. So, I can tell you what I ate for dinner and historians might be able to tell us who was alive in 632, at least the important ones. But who witnessed the life and death of Jesus? Where can I find the testimony I need to believe in him? Short answer, the people in the bible. I have read books about the validity of the witness of scripture. With the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, we have countless proofs that the important content of scripture has been maintained meticulously over 2000+ years. We have extra-biblical evidence by archaologists and historians that supports that the report by those eye witnesses was true and accurate. Where science is silent, I will trust the testimony.

If I can trust the testimony about Jesus . . . then I can trust his testimony about himself and God. And that is good news! So many promises. . . How to be saved, how to live, how to love. One of my favorites is in John 8:31-32: So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” God wants you to know the truth and be free. He isn’t hiding. (Rom 1:20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.) Follow the evidence and see what amazing things you will discover!