
Finance Class

Learn the basics of finances or ask your tough questions to a local financial expert. Share with friends! More details:...


Tonight’s dinner at 6:15pm is hamburgers and hotdogs. Woohoo! At 7: the adults are studying Jabez, youth continuing with Screwtape...


We apologize for the sound level on our live stream yesterday. We’re trying to figure it out. Please pray for...


Our dinner tonight at 6:15 is spaghetti. At 7pm, adults are studying healing, and children are having a bible lesson,...

Announcements 1/12/23

This week at VC+ALC:Thursday at 7pm – Worship and Praise ServiceSunday at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday at 10:30am – WorshipTuesday...

Tuesday Events

We love Tuesdays! Tonight we have Tatertot Casserole for our Free Community Dinner at 6:15. Following at 7, we are...

January Menu

Our January menu has arrived. Please share with those in the community who would like to come. And let us...

January Plans

Here is the bird’s eye view of our January plans. We hope you can join us at any or all...

Announcements 12/22/22

This week at VC+ALC:Tonight at 7pm – Christmas Carol requests during ArmoryNo church on Sunday. Merry Christmas! Enjoy the holiday...

Bread of Life

Have you noticed that people seem to be a little preoccupied with eating? It is natural in some ways because...


Everyone is invited! Meet us in the fellowship hall (605 N 3rd Street) at 5pm on Sunday and we will...

Christmas Play

You are invited! Next Tuesday at 6:15pm we have a “breakfast for dinner” potluck followed by a Christmas play at...

Being The Body

Are you paying attention? Sometimes God has to tell me things more than once before I ‘get it’. Ephesians 4...