We had a wonderful baptism service on Sunday. Congratulations Gage! We are excited to walk in new life with you....
We had a wonderful baptism service on Sunday. Congratulations Gage! We are excited to walk in new life with you....
This week at ALC+VC:Tonight at 7pm – Praise and PrayerSunday at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday at 10:30am – First blended...
Hello November! Here’s the bird’s eye view of our month. Check out our latest newsletter if you want more details:...
We are kicking off some new programming tonight. 6:15pm – Free community dinner7:00pm – Adult, Youth, and Children’s classes All...
Our last Sunday at The Hub (415 N Main) is this week and we are having a baptism service. Join...
Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Oh my! We are hosting a free pancake breakfast at Amsler Park pavilion tomorrow (Sunday 10/23)...
We have had some really beautiful ministry times these last couple of weeks at Armory. Would love to see you...
This week at ALC:Tonight at 7pm – Praise and PrayerSat from 9am-12pm -Concession stand at CABC Upwards SoccerSunday – The...
Happy October ALC! Here is the month in a nutshell. Fun stuff coming, stay tuned. This week at ALC:Tonight at...
Our community is reeling from yesterday’s tragic events. Please lift up the residents of McGregor as we pick up the...
This week at ALC:Tonight at 7pm – Praise and PrayerSat from 9am-12pm -Concession stand at CABC. Come buy a goodie.Sunday...
We have some exciting things on Sunday you don’t want to miss! Missions to Venezuela – We can’t wait to...
What a beautiful day when churches and pastors come together to reach the community. On Saturday, The McGregor Ministerial Alliance...
We are excited to offer a free financial class next week in partnership with Rocket Federal Credit Union. Details:
We are on break this week from homework, but we still have bible study for The Story Chapter 26 tonight...
We will have a table in the vendor area of Founder’s Day all day Saturday. Come visit us! Tonight at...
All events are now at Connection’s new address (605 N 3rd Street) except Sunday service. Tonight at 7pm – Praise...
Here is an overview of our September events! Please check out the announcements as some of our planned events have...
God has whatever it is you need and he is waiting for you to come and get it. Join us...
Moehrings are on their way back. There will be no Armory tonight, everything else is on regular schedule: Friday –...
We are on break this week from The Story. Use the time to soak with God during your devotionals. Review...
Woohoo! It’s August. We are excited for the church-wide ice cream social and school prayer walk on Aug 14 and...
This week the Moehrings are out of town! All events are still go, except no Armory on Thursday: Sunday at...
Listen up McGregor, here is our fall school schedule for Game On! Membership is $20 a month per child. We...
This week:Thursday at 7pm – Praise and Worship at ConnectionsSunday at 10:30am – The Story Chapter 20 at The HubMon...
Special event Saturday: Everyone is welcome to join us for a prayer walk at Bewley Park at 7pm. This week:Thursday...
We are doing our Leaves of Healing ministry a little later in the evening this month in the hopes that...
This week:Thursday at 7pm – Praise and Worship at ConnectionsSaturday – 7pm – Leaves of HealingSunday at 10:30am – The...