
Teachable and Growing

To remain teachable and continue growing, one must maintain openness to new dimensions of insight, wisdom, and effectiveness. Central Truth:...

Encounter God

Pastor Nate and Becca had a good time the last couple days at Encounter Weekend refreshing and refueling.

Announcements 3/4/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseMonday through Friday (Mar 8-12) – 8am to 3pm – VBS Day CampTuesday...

What is Integrity?

At my house, we play Monopoly the ruthless way. If someone lands on your property but you aren’t paying attention...

Integrity and Honesty

Integrity and honesty demonstrate fidelity to biblical values, one’s word, and one’s commitments. Central truth: Integrity and honesty form strong...

Announcements 2/25/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Kicking off new unit at our Prayer and Praise ServiceSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday...

Get To Know Us!

We had a wonderful missions event this past Thursday night. This Thursday, we are kicking off a new eight week...

Jesus Gentle

Our theme of the week is kindness and gentleness. Out of the verses we studied in our group, I was...

Announcements 2/18/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Missions ServiceFriday 6-10pm – PNO at ConnectionsSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolTuesday at 7pm –...

Kindness and Gentleness

Kindness and gentleness are evidences of the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s character. These attributes define God’s...

Announcements 2/11/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseSaturday at 6:30pm – Family Dance Event at ConnectionsSunday at 10:30am – Sunday...


We need fellowship. This is not an optional activity. Our God, the God of the universe, the one who created...

Spiritual Community

God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit live and work in community relationships. Christ modeled relationships...

Announcements 2/4/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseSaturday at 6pm – Parents’ Night Out at ConnectionsSunday at 10:30am – Sunday...

Devotions Devo

Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. In our Faith Foundations curriculum, our topic for this week...


Prayer, scripture reading, devotional readings, listening to God, reflection and journaling – these are the five main spiritual food sources...

January Update

Can you believe it is the last day of January already? If you are interested, you can read our January...

Announcements 1/28/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFriday at 4pm – Candle craft at ConnectionsSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday...

The Bridge to Life

This week we are discussing New Life – Salvation. Pastor Nate shares a very simple explanation of why people need...

Announcements 1/21/2021

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseSaturday – 6:30pm – Bunco Night!Sunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolTuesday at 7pm...

New Identity

A new identity in Christ occurs through the work of justification, a legal act on God’s part, whereby the believer...

Announcements 1/14/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFriday at 6pm – Parents’ Night OutSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolTuesday at...