
ALC Promo

We made a short little video to use as a way to introduce us and our vision to new visitors....

Announcements 1/7/21

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseSaturday at 12:30pm – Park Outreach at AmslerSunday at 10:30am – Sunday SchoolTuesday...

All Will Be Renewed

We rounded out 2020 by finishing up our review of the fundamental truths of Assemblies of God doctrine. It worked...

Have a blessed 2021!

Happy New Year from Active Love Church! If you are interested, you can read our 2020 Year in Review letter...

Love Renews

There isn’t really anything special about the first day of a new year. However, we need to make space for...

December Update

We are hosting Christmas caroling on Saturday starting at 2pm. Meet at Connections. When we get back from that, we’ll...

Gifts Under Your Tree

If you are like our family, you have probably decorated for Christmas already and started to collect gifts under your...

Come Meet Us

We had a wonderful day yesterday prayer walking at Legacy Park and practicing Christmas carols for next weekend. Tonight we...

Park and Pray

This Saturday from 11am – 1pm, we are offering drive through prayer at the gazebo at Legacy Park in McGregor...

Love Gives

James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not...

Love Forgives

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Forgiveness is such...

Love Forgives

Matthew 26:28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Ephesians...

Love Forgives

Since we started writing Active Love devotions, we’ve reviewed a great list of things that love does. Love waits, listens,...

Biblical Leader

So far, we’ve reviewed how God led the people of the bible times, how Jesus still leads us today, and...

Follow Me

“Come follow me”. That’s all he said. Three little words that changed the course of 12 lives and through them,...

Love on McGregor

We will be helping out in the distribution line at the McGregor food pantry tomorrow from 2-3pm. Interested? Come join...

Busy Week

We had a great time at CMN Launch this week. God help us debrief and unpack. #activeloveupdate #cmnnetwork


We are on ‘vacation’ for the rest of the week. Pastor Nate and Rebecca are attending CMN Launch Training in...