
Love Shows

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35 When someone has...

Info Session!

We are having an information session about Active Love Church – our goals, vision, and plans – tonight at 6....

Love Weeps

What breaks your heart? What injustice makes you angry when you see reports about it on the news? There are...

Love Weeps

One of the few times in my life so far that I feel like I heard the audible voice of...

More Info?

Now that we have wrapped our head around our goals that line up with a mission and vision for Active...

Give It

1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us. The third aspect of our tagline reminds us of our...

Grow It

John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. 1 John 4:7a...


This week, we are sharing our new tagline. We finally decided on it right before we ordered our materials and...

Mission and Vision

We have been working ‘behind the scenes’ on our ministry plan and goals. This week we would like to share...


We got our first set of marketing materials. Banners, posters/signage, business cards, and postcards. Woohoo! Prayerfully, McGregorites will start seeing...

A Party?

Continuing our theme on Love Rejoices, we wanted to address celebrating. Jesus went to parties. He performed his first miracle...

Love Rejoices!

When you love someone, you want the best for them. It is so satisfying when something great happens to someone...

About Us

Howdy, we are the Moehrings.  Our desire is to see the love of God change lives in central Texas. Nate...

Love Works

On Monday, we briefly talked about the restoration of Peter in John 21 when Jesus tells Peter three times: “If...

Love Works

We just returned from a short-term mission trip with the Kansas City Dream Center. It is fun to partner with...

On a Mission

We are on an urban mission trip this week with a great group of people. Please pray for health and...

2020 Vision January

Zoom Out – In January of 2020, the world watched as Australia wildfires burned out of control and American Special...

Vision 2020

We have been talking about 2020 for so long. The college I attended had a 2020 campaign for things they...

Take it to Heart

Jesus words in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapters 5-7) don’t need any help from me. We’re zeroed in...

But I Say

Jesus gave the best sermon ever recorded on why we need a savior. His words were radical and counter-cultural and...