
Love Speaks Up

There are so many places where God and Jesus speak in the bible that it would be hard to narrow...

Love Speaks

Acts 2:7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them...


“Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized...

Love Listens

I have a confession to make. . . sometimes I tune my kids out. I know that it is important...


How have you reacted to the interruptions in your life? This question seems very appropriate due to the varied way...

Love Pauses 2

Who likes to be interrupted? Who likes having plans derailed and things cancelled or postponed? Who likes being put on...


What is the most you have had to sacrifice to meet Jesus? How important is spending time with him in...

Love Pauses

Pausing seems to be very closely related to waiting, but we are not talking about just stopping what you are...

Wait and Listen

Most of us are waiting for something from God. Either for directions or advice. The challenge in today’s busy, loud,...

Waiting On God

God promises to hear our prayers and he always answers us. His answers are ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘not yet’. Sometimes,...

Love Waits

Patience is not normally what we think of first when we think of love. But “love is patient” is the...

New and Old

As we contemplate relaxing restrictions and entering a “new normal”, we wonder. Are there things we as a society need...

Good Friday

What is so good about Good Friday? The day that our Savior died? True, we are sad about the horrible...

Dig Deeper

We hope to eventually run a bible study once a week. This post contains the questions and information we pulled...

Jesus Afraid?

Here’s a question to ponder. Do you think Jesus was ever afraid? Discussion welcome. We think we could make a...

Active Love

At Active Love, we believe love is a person – God. We also believe love is an action verb. True...