Bible Verse

Chapter 23 Verse

The account of Jesus’ baptism gets me excited every time! What a great moment. #activelovethestory#activelovechurch#activeloveverse


Jesus words pertaining to fasting in Matthew 6. Meditate on these before your small group discussion this week. #activeloveverse

Esther 4:16

Our topic this week is fasting. Here is our first verse.Esther 4:16 – Esther calls for a fast. #activeloveverse

Numbers 20:8

One last verse to get us ready for “Speaking Forth God’s Word” on Sunday with Clint. #activeloveverse

Ezekiel 37:14

Here is the next verse Clint would like us to meditate on this week. #activeloveverse

Ezekiel 37:4-5

We are on break this week from The Story. Here is a verse to think about in preparation for “Speaking...

Chapter 16 Verse

Here is another great promise from God. We can always come to him with our needs. #activeloveverse#activelovethestory

Chapter 14 Verse

Do you listen to wise advice or go with the crowd? What will King Jeroboam choose? #activelovethestory#activeloveverse

Holy Week

On Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week, Jesus predicts his death and betrayal (John chapter 12 and 13). #activeloveverse

Luke 19:40

Pastor Nate’s message on Sunday is titled: Don’t Wait For The RocksJoin us at 10:30am. #activeloveverse

On Break

We are on break this week and next for Holy Week activities! Take this time to draw close to God...