Bible Verse

Chapter 9 Verse

Naomi is not forgotten by God and her friends remind her about his faithfulness in this week’s memory verse. #activeloveverse#activelovethestory

Chapter 6 Verse

This week’s memory verse challenges us to become intercessors. Moses himself wanted God to end his life because of having...

Chapter 5 Verse

Memory time!It is good to remember God’s covenants because he doesn’t forget. #activeloveverse#activelovethestory

Chapter 3 Verse

If we don’t learn anything else from Joseph’s story, let’s remember that God can turn situations that look very bad...

Chapter 2 Verse

Genesis 17:7 shapes how you view the nation of Israel and your inheritance as a child of God. #activelovethestory #activeloveverse

It’s Possible

I don’t know if this was what Pastor Duane was going for, but what I got out of his message...

Memory Verse

1 Corinthians 12:1 Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.

The Sower

We had a great time yesterday with the Sims! Thanks for bringing us the word and reminding us about the...

Memory Work

Romans 10:9 and 10:13 are the final verses of the Roman road. Add them to your scripture memory today!


Our missionary reminded us of the victory we have in Christ yesterday.

Memory Work

Pastor Nate is pushing us this week with two memory verses, the first two verses on the Roman Road –...