Chapter 10 Question
We might all need to do a little reflecting on the question of the week this week. Can we learn...
We might all need to do a little reflecting on the question of the week this week. Can we learn...
This week’s memory verse should give you great comfort. God is in control and he will guard you when you...
Here are the links to the audio version of Chapter 10. Happy listening.Part 1: 2: 3: #activelovethestory
We are working through Chapter 10 and learning about Samuel this week. Next up we’ll have a break for Holy...
Naomi is not forgotten by God and her friends remind her about his faithfulness in this week’s memory verse. #activeloveverse#activelovethestory
Here are the links to the audio version of Chapter 9:Part 1: 2: #activelovethestory
This week we are studying Ruth so a nice short reading assignment. 1) Either read The Story Chapter 9orRead Ruth...
Today we study Judges in The Story Chapter 8. #activelovethestory#activelovesermon
In what ways does this week’s reading encourage you? Would love to hear. #activelovethestory#activelovedeeper
If you have ever felt insignificant, let the story of Gideon build you up today. We can do whatever God...
Here are the links to the audio version of Chapter 8:Part 1: 2: 3: #activelovethestory
Homework assignment this week:1) Either read The Story Chapter 8 orJudges 2-4; 6-8; 13-162) Work through the study guide session...
This week we study the story of Joshua in The Story Chapter 7 – The Battle Begins.
Reread Joshua 24 to hear Joshua’s last words to the Israelites. Do they challenge you too? #activelovethestory#activelovedeeper
Did you notice how many times this thought was presented in the reading this week? Do not be afraid, I...
In case listening is easier or you want to get the content a second time, here is a link to...
Your assignments this week:1) Either read Chapter 7 of The Storyor read Joshua 1-2; 6; 8; 10-11; 23-242) Work through...
We are continuing our journey through the Bible with Chapter 6 of The Story today. #activelovethestory #activelovesermon
Do you have a wilderness experience to share? Testimonies build us all up. #activelovedeeper#activelovethestory
This week’s memory verse challenges us to become intercessors. Moses himself wanted God to end his life because of having...
We are having trouble finding the videos we wanted to share each week so we will start posting the audio...
We are back at it this morning with our next unit of five chapters before we break for Easter. If...
We are on break from The Story this week because we have our missions emphasis. If you are like me,...
Today we learn the 10 Commandments and how the Israelites were to act as a nation. #activelovethestory #activelovesermon
We can learn a lot about what God thinks about us as a group and as individuals as we read...
Memory time!It is good to remember God’s covenants because he doesn’t forget. #activeloveverse#activelovethestory