
Missions Sunday

We had a great time with the Jordans. We had some technical difficulties at the beginning of the live stream...

Announcements 2/25/22

This week:Tonight! Parents’ Night Out at Connections starting at 6pmSaturday at 1pm – Blessing Bag DistributionSunday at 10:30am – Missions...

VBS 2022!

Need something for the kids to do over Spring Break? Check out our VBS – Camp Kilimanjaro March 7-11. Event...

Announcements 2/10/22

This week:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseFriday at 6pm – Parents’ Night Out at Connections (https://www.facebook.com/events/1098759394245423)Friday at 7pm –...

Sunday Funday!

We are excited for this Sunday’s activities! We will start with our missionary to Mexico at 10:30, followed by a...

This Weekend

We have two exciting events this weekend. On Saturday we are distributing blessings bags during our park and pray event...

Baptism Party!

What a beautiful day we had yesterday. We had planned to baptize and celebrate the three siblings. But when they...

Baptism Party!

We are hosting a baptism party today starting at 5pm. We will be meeting at Connections and everyone is invited!...

Announcements 7/1/21

This week:Thursday 1-5pm – VBS Kingdom ChroniclesThursday at 7pm – Prayer and PraiseSunday – 10:30am Acts Bible StudyMonday – Baptism...


Today is our first day of Kingdom Chronicles VBS. We still have some openings so come on over after lunch....

Park and Pray

Prayer is the foundation! We are having a park day tomorrow at Kasting from 12:30-2:30pm. We’ll prayer walk, hang out,...

Park and Pray

We are going to be at Bewley this Saturday from 12:30-2:30pm for a prayer walk and fellowship. We’ll have water...

Journey with the Johns

We hosted the John family on Thursday to hear their heart for Portugal. Our recording stopped early, they are heading...