
Day Camp

We are running a carnival since the kids are out of school on Monday. It will help us to get...

Announcements 2/3/23

This week at VC+ALC:Thursday at 7pm – Prayer and Praise ServiceSunday at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday at 10:30am – WorshipTuesday...

Announcements 1/12/23

This week at VC+ALC:Thursday at 7pm – Worship and Praise ServiceSunday at 9:30am – Sunday SchoolSunday at 10:30am – WorshipTuesday...


Everyone is invited! Meet us in the fellowship hall (605 N 3rd Street) at 5pm on Sunday and we will...

Christmas Play

You are invited! Next Tuesday at 6:15pm we have a “breakfast for dinner” potluck followed by a Christmas play at...

VBS Day 2

VBS day 2 was fun. We practiced defending ourselves against the fiery darts of the enemy and supporting each other...

VBS Day 1

VBS Day 1 Down: Sir Ben and Sir Lionheart (Daniel) joust for first move in our competition today. We all...


Hey everyone, We had a couple parents ask for help during Thanksgiving break so even though Connections is closed next...

August Plans

Woohoo! It’s August. We are excited for the church-wide ice cream social and school prayer walk on Aug 14 and...