Christ’s Gifts to You – Pastors
Pastor Curtis shared about the office of pastor in this message.
Christ’s Gifts to You – Apostles
Pastor Nate kicks off our December series with a discussion on apostles.
The Performance of the New Man
Pastor Curtis wrapped up his sermon series on Colossians 3 today.
Matthew 28:19-20
We had Missionary Jimmy Kitchens with us yesterday for a leadership conference and today for worship. He shared a great...
Putting On The New Self
Pastor Curtis continues his study of Colossians 3 with verses 9b and 10 this morning.
Colossians 3
Pastor Curtis continues his study of Colossians 3 with an emphasis on verses 7-9a.
Colossians 3
Pastor Curtis continues with part 3 of his sermon series in Colossians chapter 3.
Mission to Caribbean
Jessy and family came to share today about their heart for the Caribbean and how they are fulfilling the great...