Gimel Sermon
We had a hard time going live on Sunday so here is the recording of the sermon. Gimel – benefit...
Hebrew Number 3
In the “Should Christians Observe Jewish Holidays” series, Pastor Curtis discusses the meaning of ‘gimel’ or 3 in Hebrew.
Chapter 31 Sermon
The final chapter of The Story brought to us by Pastor Nate Moehring.
Chapter 30 Sermon
Pastor Nate discusses Paul’s final days and how Christians should view tough times.
Chapter 28 Sermon
We had a recording issue on Sunday so are backdating this redo to cover Chapter 28 content.
Chapter 27 Sermon
Pastor Nate covers the resurrection and discusses our response to the tragedy that occurred last week.
Missions Sunday
We had a great time worshipping with Danielle and learning about keeping the harvest.
Chapter 26 Sermon
Pastor Nate discusses the crucifixion of Christ in this week’s sermon – The Hour of Darkness.
Chapter 25 Sermon
Pastor Nate discusses Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God in this week’s message following The Story Chapter 25.
Chapter 24 Sermon
Pastor Nate discusses the difference between gospels and the claims that Jesus made.
Pride and Humility
We were blessed to hear from one of our members today on the subject of Pride and Humility. Thanks for...
Chapter 21 Sermon
Pastor Nate wraps up the Old Testament today. Join us August 21st for our New Testament kickoff.
Chapter 20 Sermon
Today we have the story of Esther! Note: We apologize for the echo, we think the sermon was great though...
Chapter 19 Sermon
Pastor Nate reviews The Story Chapter 19 and gives a little object lesson about priorities.
The Kingdoms’ Fall
Here is the sermon from Sunday for The Story Chapter 17 – The Kingdoms’ Fall #activelovesermon #activelovethestory
Chapter 16 Sermon
Today we discuss The Story Chapter 16. It covers primarily Hezekiah and Isaiah. So much good stuff in there.
Missions Sunday
We had a great time with the Jordans. We had some technical difficulties at the beginning of the live stream...
Chapter 14 Sermon
Pastor Nate discusses the next chapter in our year long review of The Story. Today we learn how Israel and...
Chapter 13 Sermon
We realized last week’s sermon never was posted so here is Chapter 13 a little bit late! Like and subscribe...