
The Unseen Battle

Pastor Nate’s message today is titled “Christmas, the Unseen Battle”. We’ll have it posted for viewing tomorrow. Blessings!

One Angel, Two Responses

An Advent message from Pastor Nate. #activelovesermon If you missed our other videos, check out our Home Church playlist to...

Use of Prophesy and Tongues

Today we discuss 1st Corinthians 14. #activelovesermon If you missed the other videos in our series, check out our Home...

Christian Love

Pastor Nate discusses 1 Corinthians 12:12 through chapter 13 in today’s message. #activelovesermon If you missed the other videos in...

Christian Worship

Pastor Nate Breaks down 1 Corinthians 11-12:11 in today’s video. #activelovesermon If you missed the other videos in our series,...

Christian Choices

Today Pastor Nate discusses 1 Corinthians 8-10. #activelovesermon If you missed the other videos in our series, check out our...

1 Corinthians 5 – Sexual Sin

Today Pastor Nate discusses 1 Corinthians 5 through 7:11. #activelovesermon If you missed the other videos in our series, check...

Unity and Power Evangelism

Pastor Nate kicks off our new study with 1st Corinthians 1-2. #activelovesermon After watching this video, check out our Home...

Emotions are Indicators

Rebecca brought the word on Sunday. #activelovesermon If you want to see our other videos, check out our Home Church...

Grace for New Believers

Today we discuss Romans 14-16. #activelovesermon If you want to see the other videos in our series, you can catch...

Applying the Gospel

Today we discuss Romans 12-13. #activelovesermon If you want to see the other videos in our series, you can catch...

God’s Plan for Israel

Today we discuss Romans 9-11. #activelovesermon If you want to see the other videos in our series, you can catch...

God’s Empowering Spirit

Today Pastor Nate breaks down Romans 8. #activelovesermon If you want to see the other videos in our series, you...

God’s Shaping Process

We are moving along in our study of Romans. Today we are studying Romans 6-7. #activelovesermon There were no slides...

God Provides Righteousness

Good morning church! We hope you enjoy the third video in our Romans study. We are covering Romans 3:21-5:21 this...

We Need a Savior

We hope you enjoy our study for this week in Romans. This is the second in our Romans study, you...

Who are you?

I want you to think about this question. Who are you?Who are you? When someone asks you to introduce yourself,...

Acts 25 – 28

We are finishing up our study of Acts today! Don’t forget to think of testimonies to share next week at...

Acts 18-25

Happy Independence Day Active Love Church! Hope to see you at our celebration tomorrow. For today, Pastor Nate teaches on...

Acts 15-18

Happy Sunday Active Love Church! We are thankful to Joe for filling in for us while we celebrate the life...

Acts 5-8:3

Hey Active Love Church! We are so excited that we are running three home churches that are all watching the...

Acts 3-4

Joe filled in for Nate this weekend. This time it was planned ahead of time. 🙂 He did a great...