

Missions – MAF

This week we had a great time zooming with Daniel B, a pilot for the Mission Aviation Fellowship stationed in...

Kindness and Gentleness

Here is Pastor Nate’s preview for our topic of the week – kindness and gentleness. Will be discussing in our...


This week we are introducing the topic of devotions for our small group discussion. Here’s the intro Pastor Nate gave...

New Life – Salvation

Here is a quick intro to our third topic in our Faith Foundations class – Salvation. We will discuss in...

New Identity

Here is the preview of our second lesson in our Faith Foundations series. Our main question is: Are you living...

Centrality of Christ

Here is the preview of our first lesson in our Faith Foundations series. Our main question is: Is Christ the...

New Heavens and New Earth

We wrapped up our series on the fundamentals last Thursday. If you missed any, you can find the whole series...

End Times Events

Pastor Nate combined three of our end times fundamentals into this one session. Tonight we’ll be discussing the New Heavens...

Divine Healing

Here is the video from last week on Divine Healing. Tonight we are discussing the rapture and end times events....


Here is the video from the week before Thanksgiving. Pastor Nate discusses sanctification and gives some realistic ideas for healthy...

Gifts of the Spirit

Here is the re-recorded video about the gifts of the spirit. Tonight Pastor Nate is discussing the topic of sanctification....

Gifts of the Spirit

We had an issue with our recording last week on the gifts of the spirit so we will eventually try...

Deity of Jesus

Last week Pastor Nate shared with us about the Deity of Jesus, you can watch the video below. Tonight at...

Jesus, the Son of God

Last week Pastor Nate presented The One True God. Tonight we will be reviewing Jesus Is The Son of God.


Last week Pastor Nate reviewed the statement “The Bible is the Inspired Word of God”. Watch the lesson on Youtube...

Pastor's blog


Jesus says in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”.  This means...

Supply and Demand

– What resource should churches have more of than any other type of organization?– What type of resource has the...

Water Baptism

Pastor Nate got to guest preach this past Sunday prior to our son’s baptism so he pulled together all the...