Devotions Devo

Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

In our Faith Foundations curriculum, our topic for this week is devotions. We have shifted from some basic theological foundations to some practical relational foundations. Christianity is a religion unlike any other. In Christ, we can have a relationship with the God of the universe, not just because we want to but because he wants to. He wants to talk to us, listen to us, guide us, help us, love us.

When you love someone, you make it a priority to spend time with them. Most people would be a little upset if you said they were important to you but you never talked to them or went to visit. I missed my weekly call with my parents one week and they called a couple days later to make sure I was still around! You can’t maintain a relationship without being intentional about quality time.

Jesus is our example. In Luke 5 (above) we see that the Son of God spent time with his father. If Jesus did it, we probably need to as well. In our groups, we discussed some practical ways to avoid distractions and set up habits to help us be successful and we discussed how much time we should spend. But don’t make it a religious to-do item, the most important thing is to make sure you do it because you want to. Spend time with your spiritual father, you will never regret it.