Fill Your Cup

If we were honest, most of us would say that we want to be loved. We want someone to know us (even the parts of us that we don’t like or try to hide) and love us anyway. We all yearn for a little thing called “unconditional love”. The world spends their time looking for it. Some people turn to drugs, sex, food, money, spouses, or children. We have self help books that will help make us more attractive to others so they will love us. We wonder how to get more attention at work or school. Solomon was the wisest AND richest king the world has ever known. He had the resources to try out all the pleasures the world had to offer and he said it is all meaningless. None of us are able to find what we are looking for outside of God.

The good news is God is able. He defines love. He IS love. He can love unconditionally because he does know everything about us. He knows what we try to hide and he loves us anyway. He made us and sees our potential even when we aren’t living up to it.

Our verse for our “Get It” part of our tagline is 1 John 3:1a “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” Let this sit in your heart today. Not only does God love us, but he lavishes his love on us. He isn’t stingy. He doesn’t run out and he doesn’t stop. AND when we accept his love, we get to be part of his family – adopted as his children. What a great love that is! We are only limited by how big of a cup we bring to our daddy to fill up. Fill your cup with God’s love today!