From the Pastor

Howdy friends and family of LAMP Ministries!  Fall is almost here, we’ve survived the summer heat once again!

It’s time for a pop quiz!  Do you know the mission of LAMP Ministries?

  • Praising God
  • Loving Each Other
  • Equipping Our Partners
  • Reaching The Lost

According to Jesus, these four short phrases actually capture the essence of the Bible and our calling as His disciples.  How do I know that?  Because they are derived directly from The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

We don’t want the LAMP family to simply memorize the Mission Statement, we need to be living it out in order to effectively be the church and the disciples that Jesus has called us to be!  And as much as possible, we need to be doing it in community.  (Acts 2:42, Hebrews 10:24-25)

Ask yourself, are you participating in all aspects of this mission on a regular basis?  Does your Christian life consist of a well-rounded diet?

In September we added a Life Group as an opportunity for you to give and receive love from your church family, and to grow in relationship with another.  We would love to host more groups around the area. How can you fulfill Jesus’s commands to Love one another, Bear one another’s burdens, Forgive one another, Comfort one another, etc etc, if you aren’t doing life together with a small group of fellow believers?  In the words of the Five Altars of Prayer series, who is your Core Altar prayer group?

Life Groups and Women’s Fellowship are two opportunities to do life on life and Love Each Other.  Join us or start a new group that you can invite others to.

-Pastor Nate