Hope For Us All

The people in the bible are unmistakably ‘human’. They are remembered for the ways God interacted with them and in many cases the great faith or courage they displayed in their life situations. But their flaws, insecurities, and sins are right there on the next page. This gives me great confidence that these people actually existed and aren’t just a myth or tall tale that has been passed down to us. Why would we want to remember the failings of the great fathers of our faith? So that we will be encouraged that there is hope for us all. When we see the way God is patient with Abraham or Moses or sends help or a vision when Gideon is afraid, we can trust that he will be just as patient with us or send us the help we need when we ask.

Our bible study this week focuses a lot on Abraham and Paul’s main point is that gentiles are his ‘sons’ just as much as the Jews. But what I want to highlight today is that even though Abraham wasn’t perfect, he was able to be called righteous. Go back and read Abraham’s story in Genesis. He managed quite a few questionable scenarios alongside the great stories of his faith. And yet, he lived before the covenant of circumcision. And yet, he lived before the Law had been given. So how does he get to heaven? Paul says this in Romans 4:13 “It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.”

We get this same promise. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. (Romans 3:22a) Believe in Jesus today! You can have the righteousness that comes by faith. Amen