I believe that God can speak audibly. I have heard testimonies from people I love and respect that say he spoke directly to them. I personally had one time in my life that God spoke to me in words. I believe that he can send angels as messengers or show us visions. But in general, even in the biblical account, God ‘speaks’ to people through the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the spirit. He primarily speaks through prophets.
The main speaking-type gifts (1 Cor 12) are the gifts of words of knowledge and words of wisdom – a spiritual download of information that you didn’t have before, the gift of tongues with the gift of interpretation, and the gift of prophecy – the ability to foretell or forthtell something. These are all ways that God gives us information that we wouldn’t otherwise have. These are the ways he guides us, either by giving us the information directly or through a fellow believer who is obedient to give the message.
Check out 1 Corinthians 14, the whole chapter is pretty interesting about how God speaks to believers and unbelievers in different ways, but verses 1-3 are what I want to focus on. “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.”
Anyone out there feel like we’ve been needing a little more strengthening, encouraging, and comforting recently? Pay attention to what spirit you are listening to. When God speaks he doesn’t tear down, he builds up. God doesn’t speak defeat, he encourages and exhorts. God doesn’t torture us or distress us, he speaks comfort to our hurts and needs. We should all eagerly desire the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, because Love Speaks and we need to hear what God has to say!