Jesus Gentle

Our theme of the week is kindness and gentleness. Out of the verses we studied in our group, I was most drawn to Isaiah 40:11. It paints a picture of Jesus as the gentle shepherd caring for his flock and giving special attention to those who need extra care and kindness. What a great example to follow.

Those of us in the middle of the polar vortex of 2021 have been dealing with basic survival skills in the midst of rolling power or blackouts, broken water pipes, boil notices, or septic problems. You would think that everyone would be out for themselves, hoarding or hunkering down. But as far as I have seen, neighbors have been kind and gentle with those around them. There has been sharing and checking on each other and camping out at a friends house or a church or coming over to take a shower. Our linemen and plumbers have been trying their best to help in difficult circumstances. Those with 4 wheel drive have offered rides for those who had to get to work or needed to go to a warming center. We have prioritized those in hospitals and nursing homes. This is what is means to be kind and gentle. As Texas thaws out in the next few days, we’ll be picking up the pieces and waiting to see if any of our plants and trees survived. I pray our attitudes remain neighborly as this stretches out and we start to recover.

Let us keep the image of Jesus as the kind shepherd before us as we move forward and wait for our turn for things to be fixed or when get our electricity bill. Let us continue to check on our neighbors and friends. Let us continue to remember those who are less fortunate and remember to be thankful for our essential workers.

Let us be Jesus gentle!