Kingdom Math

Ok, math people. We all know that 1+1 equals 2 right?

Math doesn’t work that way in the kingdom of God. God has created us so that when we work together we can achieve more than what we could both do working alone. Here’s the words from the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon. Ecc 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. We can actually see this concept working in our everyday lives. We have team sports, construction teams, trainers and managers. When we all use our special gifts toward a common purpose we will get it done quicker and better than one person working alone.

King Solomon goes on to list other benefits of working together. When one falls, there is someone to lift him up. When they lie down together, they will keep warm. And two can defend each other. Encouragement is such a wonderful motivator. Many times in my life I have seen people do things they didn’t think they could do because someone, a coach or a friend, told them they believed in them. Sometimes, just the knowledge that someone is on your side, or waiting for you can be enough to give you extra courage for the task at hand. How many soldiers when they come back from the battlefront say they only made it through by knowing thier significant other or their children were depending on them to come home? And how many times has a friend or family member deflected an attack for you as you walk through life? Or counselled you before you made a bad choice? Doing things together just makes sense.

Here is the best part. When we do things God’s way, he doesn’t just double our output. It is exponential!

Deu 32:30 How could one person chase a thousand of them,
and two people put ten thousand to flight,
unless their Rock had sold them,
unless the Lord had given them up?

In this verse, we get a 10 fold improvement in our ability to win our battles. It isn’t in our power alone or in our power combined. It is only when we have God in the mix.

As we study unity, remember this. We can achieve so much more when we work together. And when we are all working on God’s plan, we will be even more effective. Let’s do math God’s way!
