Leaving a Legacy

Pastor's blog

Grace and peace to you from our Lord, Jesus the Christ!

Yesterday was the memorial service for my father, Pastor Glenn Moehring. (Obituary)  What a terrific day it was.  We packed nearly two hundred people into Grace Lutheran Church in Bandera, followed by a reception at the house where we had many friends and relatives gather from across the country and decades to celebrate the life and reminisce the years with dad.  He was excellent example of putting Christ first in your life and a life fully lived.

Hannah knocked it out of the park, leading the congregation in a couple of songs on the mic and keyboard, Psalm 121 and The Blessing (watch here).  I am amazed by the gifts that God has given her, not only to play and sing, but to lead with confidence at such a young age.  At the age of 13 she led this congregation, mostly full of people she has never met, in a church she barely knows, on a different keyboard, during an emotionally charged time.  She hardly waivered, and many were in tears as they wondered at the presence of the Holy Spirit moving in her worship leading.  (or I might just be a proud papa)

I had the honor of helping with communion and the closing blessing.  Some things in life seem cliché until you experience them first hand.  Legacy.  With each piece of communion that I distributed I observed first hand and in living color that our legacy extends well beyond our kids, and their kids, and their kids.  For a short period in this finite continuum that we call time, we have an opportunity to create a legacy that extends far beyond our family.  With every hand shake, hug, and personal story I observed that a life lived for Christ can create a legacy that moves like wild-fire through time and space.
This was God’s plan from the beginning with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and eventually Jesus, the Messiah.

Genesis 12:2-3 states it clearly:
2 “I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.”

This is a challenge to us today.  Are we, as the blessed family of God, living up to this commission to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and blessing all the peoples of the earth?  This is part of the passion and DNA of Active Love Church.  This is the heart behind #LoveYourCity.

God’s love to you all,
Pastor Nate Moehring