Less Talk, More Power

1 Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 

If social media has taught us anything, it is that we have lost the art of debate. Our culture no longer is willing to listen to anything a person might say if they disagree if them. We resort to name calling and ‘unfriending’ and bashing “those people”. How many people do you know have changed their opinion on a topic because of a Facebook post? How many of those people making new posts do so in a way to have open dialog instead of just saying this is the only truth? So many words, so little achieved!

Paul, the man who wrote so much of our New Testament, says that the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk. This man’s job is to talk, to preach, to persuade! In his words last week he said that he wasn’t a great orator with fancy speech, but he came with a simple message. Words, words, and more words, even if they are fancy, are not enough.

We at Active Love Church say it this way. “If you tell a person about God, they may know a little more about him. But if you help that person ‘experience’ God, then they will know him.” You can argue or debate with someone who only has head knowledge. You may even change their mind if they are open to learning new things. But you will never be able to persuade someone who has experienced God that he isn’t real. This is power evangelism. This is what we offer to a world without hope. This is the power of God through the Holy Spirit.

We live in a world of instant communication and overwhelming information, where talk is cheap. If you haven’t experienced the gifts of the Holy Spirit, or the overwhelming love God has for you, come learn with us. If you have, the challenge for today is less talk, more power!