Who likes to be interrupted? Who likes having plans derailed and things cancelled or postponed? Who likes being put on hold?
We are continuing with our theme of Love Pauses this week. Last week was focused on God pausing for us and our needs. We, as Christians, should always try to emulate God. But, more than just showing us how to pause, Jesus taught us to pause with a parable. The well-known story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) is about loving your neighbor AND it is also about pausing. We could have very important things to be doing and maybe those things are even things that God has asked us to do. But if, like the priest and the Levite, we let those plans blind us to the needs of those around us, love has been stifled. We have missed an opportunity to be Jesus in the world. We have to learn to pause! We have to see the people/situations that are interrupting us as a way to show love. We have to retrain our spirit to react differently. Instead of being upset that things are not going our way right now, when plans are being cancelled or can’t be set or when we are interrupted, we need to ask God what he wants us to do right now. We have to ask him to open our eyes to the opportunity that is being presented to us. When we pause, we become aware of the needs around us, and we can love like Jesus!