We just returned from a short-term mission trip with the Kansas City Dream Center. It is fun to partner with organizations like the Dream Center because teams can come in and immediately begin serving in a wide variety of ministries. Given the increased need around the world generated by the pandemic, we spent much of our time packaging 30,000 shelf stable meals and sorting tons of donated clothing.
We served from morning till evening for 5 days, sleeping on cots in a church. It was hard work and uncomfortable. This is not how most people would choose to spend a week of vacation, but I believe it was a great investment that will pay dividends. Not only for the people of Kansas City, but for all of us who went on the mission trip.
In John 21, after Peter swore that he was ready to die with Jesus and denied knowing him three times, Jesus asked Peter a simple question, “Do you love me?” In fact, three times Jesus asked Peter this same question. Peter, growing in frustration, repeated, “Lord, you know I love you.” To which Jesus replied, “Then feed my lambs”, “feed my sheep”, “take care of my sheep”.
These are action statements, Jesus was giving all of us a charge. Paraphrasing, Jesus was saying: If you love me, prove it by taking care of my sheep. Jesus is the great shepherd, but he deputizes his disciples into the same mission of loving and caring for his sheep. This should be a normal part of our expression of love towards Jesus. Have you loved Jesus through action lately?