Adult Discipleship – Training Grounds

Regularly Scheduled

LAMP provides a free community dinner on Tuesdays at 6pm. Following that, our adults meet at 7 for fellowship and teaching. We call this time Training Grounds as we should all be working to grow in our knowledge of God and the bible and practicing our abilities to share our faith with others. We are currently working through material provided by Practicing the Way. It focuses on 9 ‘practices’ all Christians should be growing in.

We also offer Sunday School on Sundays at 10:30am. We are working through the same material as Tuesday nights so all our adults can stay on the same page.

In addition to these regular events, we host a number of life groups on different days and times. These are not just bible studies but opportunities to “do life” with each other and lift each other up. Contact Pastor Nate if you would like to join on of our groups.

Big Events

Typically when we have a park event or missionary, we follow our worship service with a potluck fellowship. See you there!