Revelation 2:19

We have been working through the letters to the churches from Jesus (through John) in Revelation and yesterday Pastor Nate preached on the church at Thyatira. He challenged us to consider what Jesus would write to our church if he wrote us a letter today. We are far from being perfect and acknowledge that he would probably have some good things to say as well as some exhortations, but we would be happy to receive the same commendation as that found in Revlation 2:19, “I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.” It is a great honor to be known by Jesus and to hear his praise. But the message we are getting about all the churches listed in Revelation is that he praised them AND he disciplined them. Because he wanted them to move into their full purpose. He wants that from us today as well.

Take a moment to consider what Jesus is saying to you today. What would he praise and what would he poke on a little bit and say you could do better? Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you go about your day and don’t shrink from correction if he brings it. He loves you enough that he doesn’t want you to stay where you are, he wants you to move closer to him.