1 kings
Chapter 14 Question
God shows grace to many of the following Kings of Israel solely because of his promise to King David. Here...
Chapter 14 Verse
Do you listen to wise advice or go with the crowd? What will King Jeroboam choose? #activelovethestory#activeloveverse
Chapter 14 Audio
In case listening fits in your schedule better than reading, here is Chapter 14 audio. Part 1: https://youtu.be/EfqgNHEx7FwPart 2: https://youtu.be/Ozrt-PyuHR8...
Chapter 14 Reading
It’s homework time! We are finished with Solomon and ready to see what happens next.1) Read Chapter 14 of The...
Chapter 13 Question
Solomon was known for his wisdom so here’s the question of the week. #activelovedeeper#activelovethestory
Chapter 13 Verse
King David gives us an example of how to respond when we are confronted with our own mistakes. Here is...
Chapter 13 Audio
Don’t have time to read Chapter 13? Listen instead. Part 1: https://youtu.be/pve2xkpn9mAPart 2: https://youtu.be/CTnDAiK2F6gPart 3: https://youtu.be/11m5bVKLEZg #activelovethestory#activelovechurch